Machine Learning-Based Computed Tomography Texture Analysis of Lytic Bone Lesions Needing Biopsy: A Preliminary Study
Original Investigation
P: 223-231
August 2021

Machine Learning-Based Computed Tomography Texture Analysis of Lytic Bone Lesions Needing Biopsy: A Preliminary Study

İstanbul Med J 2021;22(3):223-231
1. University of Health Sciences Turkey, Başakşehir Çam ve Sakura City Hospital, Clinic of Radiology, İstanbul, Turkey
2. University of Health Sciences Turkey, Başaksehir Çam ve Sakura City Hospital, Clinic of Radiology, İstanbul, Turkey
3. University of Health Sciences Turkey, İstanbul Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Radiology, İstanbul, Turkey
4. University of Health Sciences Turkey, İstanbul Training and Research Hospital, Clinic of Radiology, İstanbul, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 24.03.2021
Accepted Date: 16.06.2021
Publish Date: 04.08.2021



Currently, medical imaging has a limited capacity to achieve a final histopathological diagnosis of bone lesions. This study aimed to evaluate the use of machine learning (ML)-based computed tomography (CT) texture analysis to determine benign and malignant behaviors of lytic bone lesions needing a biopsy.


This retrospective study included 58 patients with lytic bone lesions. Lesion segmentation was independently performed by two observers. After evaluating unenhanced CT images, a total of 744 texture features were obtained. Reproducibility analysis and feature selection were used for dimension reduction. A training data set with a nested cross-validation approach was used for feature selection, optimization, and validation. Testing was executed on the remaining unseen data set. Classifications were done using five base ML classifiers and three voting strategies.


The best predictive performance was achieved using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm with six features. The area under the curve, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the best algorithm were, respectively, 0.774%, 78.1%, 78%, and 78.1% for the validation data set; and 0.861, 82.4%, 82.4%, and 81.5% for the unseen test data set.


The ML-based CT texture analysis may be a promising non-invasive technique for determining benign and malignant behaviors of lytic bone lesions that need a biopsy.

Keywords: Bone, texture analysis, radiomics, machine learning, artificial intelligence


Texture analysis, which is a vital part of radiomics, is used to change standard medical images into high-dimensional quantitative data by calculating distribution and patterns of voxels or pixels (1,2). The literature has widely suggested that texture analysis might have a potential value in predicting certain underlying pathology or outcomes in different organs or systems (2). Contrary to standard qualitative evaluation, texture analysis may provide an objective, non-invasive assessment of the medical images, possibly leading to better decision-making in patient management (2,3). Moreover, artificial intelligence offers robust and reliable tools that learn data patterns and then make predictions on unseen instances for better decision support to manage such high-dimensional quantitative data that the texture analysis supplies (2,4).

Imaging of bone lesions has heavily relied on radiographs for a long time (5). Nowadays, it comprises technologically more advanced armamentarium, including positron emission tomography (PET), ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) (5,6). From a diagnostic point of view, all of these imaging methods can contribute to tissue characterization by narrowing the range of differential diagnoses and then indicating the most appropriate course of action afterward (7). In other words, these approaches have a limited capacity to achieve a final histopathological diagnosis (6). In particular, CT can help determine the calcification pattern in the bone lesion matrix, identify occult destruction, or even localize the nidus of an osteoid osteoma (5,6). However, if we consider all possible lesion types that can be encountered in clinical practice, it has a limited capability in tissue characterization. Interestingly, unenhanced CT texture analysis is being used to evaluate many different pathologies located in various organs or systems with a promising predictive performance (8-11).

In our work, we assessed the future value of unenhanced CT texture analysis for foreseeing benign and malignant behaviors of lytic bone lesions that need biopsy in clinical practice using various state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) algorithms and strategies.



All study procedures, including waiver of informed consent for medical records review, were approved by our institutional review board. The approval form the University of Health Sciences Turkey, İstanbul Training and Research Hospital Local Ethics Committee was obtained (approval number: 1965, date: 29.08.2019).


Biopsy-proven bone lesions examined between January 2016 and May 2019 were obtained from our picture archiving and communication system. The exclusion criteria of patients were as follows: 1) mixed or sclerotic bone lesions, 2) unavailability of unenhanced CT in our archive, 3) quality problems in CT study, and 4) indefinite border or small (≤5 mm) lesions. No other criterion regarding the malignancy status of the patients was applied. A simplified flowchart for patient selection is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Computed Tomography Protocol

CT scans were performed using different scanners as follows: a 128-slice multidetector CT (Ingenuity, Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, USA), a 64-slice multidetector CT (Aquilion, Canon Medical Systems, Otawara, Japan), and a 2-slice helical CT (HiSpeed, General Electric Company, Fairfield, CT, USA). Overall, the CT parameters were as follows: 1) tube voltage of 100-140 kV, 2) tube current of 97-500 mAs, 3) slice thickness of 0.5-5 mm, 4) pixel size of 0.162-0.976 mm, and 5) no contrast medium administration.

Technical Workflow

To provide a basic understanding and a larger view to the reviewers, we summarized our technical workflow in a flowchart in Figure 2.

Figure 2


To reduce inter-scanner differences, all CT images were normalized using the ±3 sigma technique that centers voxel gray-level values at the mean with the standard deviation (SD) (12). Normalization was established on the following expression:

f(x)=s[x - μ(x)]σ(x)

where f (x) is the normalized image gray-level value, x is the original gray-level value, μ (x) is the mean gray-level value, σ (x) is the SD of the image gray-level value, and s is the scaling factor, which was 100 in this study.

Resampling and rescaling of pixel spaces to an in-plane resolution of 1x1 mm2 were performed because comparing texture characteristics necessitates identical spatial resolution (13).

We used a fixed bin-width to obtain an ideal bin count between 16 and 128 for gray-level discretization (14,15). To obtain this, a preliminary extraction of first-order parameters was performed in all patients included in this work to calculate the gray-level range and optimal bin width. The discretization was established on the following mathematical expression:

Xb,i =[Xgl,iW] - [min(Xgl,i)W] + 1

where Xb,i is the gray-level value after discretization, Xgl,i is the gray-level value before discretization, and W is the bin-width value, which was 2 in this study.

Padding was applied with a distance value of 5 using original gray-level intensity.

Texture Analysis

By depicting a polygonal region of interest (ROI), the lytic bone lesions were segmented using the largest representative axial image slice of unenhanced CT. To minimize the partial volume effect from visually healthy structures, the ROI was carefully depicted, considering the clear lesion margin. The segmentation style is presented in Figure 3. Two observers segmented the lesions for a feature reproducibility analysis. The possible influence of the slice selection bias was considered since this might be a major concern of texture analysis, which is based on a single slice (16,17). Therefore, each observer was blind to the selected slices by the other observer.

Figure 3

PyRadiomics software program (PyRadiomics 2.0.1; Python 2.7.13; Numpy 1.13.1; SimpleITK 1.1.0; PyWavelet 0.5.2) was used for extracting texture features (18). Original, filtered, and wavelet-transformed images were used for extracting the features. Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter was used for image filtrations with values of 2, 4, and 6 mm presenting with fine, medium, and coarse patterns, respectively. The following are the extracted texture features: 1) 18 first-order features, 2) 14 gray-level dependence matrix features, 3) 24 gray-level co-occurrence matrix features, 4) 16 gray-level run-length matrix features. 5) 16 gray-level size zone matrix features, and 6) 5 neighboring gray-tone difference matrix features. These six groups of features were derived from one original, three LoG-filtered, and four wavelet-transformed images, which add up to 744 features per lesion in total. Detailed feature names and classes are presented in the Online Supplement. Comprehensive descriptions and mathematical expressions for these features can be found on the software program website and in the references (19-23).

Data Handling

The radiomic data underwent randomization, standardization, and stratified sampling.

The standardization of radiomic feature values was performed by centering and scaling the values by the mean and SD, respectively. Then, before data sampling, the order of data sets related to patient identifiers was randomized.

The whole data set was sampled to create training and unseen test data set splits, with proportions of 70% and 30%, respectively. The data split was created to prevent possible information leakage. Class balance in the training and unseen test data sets was ensured using stratified sampling, which sets the same class balance in the whole data set to the training and testing data sets. Training data set was used in classifier-specific feature selection, model development, optimization, and validation. The remaining data set, which is unseen by the feature selection and ML algorithms, was used for the unbiased testing of the model.

Dimension Reduction

A feature reproducibility analysis was initially used, followed by a classifier-specific feature selection algorithm to reduce the dimension of the training data.

For the reproducibility analysis, the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated for each texture feature and a clinical variable (maximum tumor diameter) using a two-way model, single rating, and absolute agreement. In the following dimension reduction step, which is also called feature selection, only features with ICC ≥0.75 that indicated good and excellent inter-observer reproducibility were included.

Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) toolkit version 3.8.2 was used for the feature selection (24). In the feature selection and model validation process, a nested cross-validation method with 5-fold inner and 10-fold outer loops was used. An incremental wrapper-based subset search method along with a wrapper attribute evaluator was used (25,26). The features were graded by their probabilistic significance, which was computed as a two-way function in the search method. The attributes undergoing more than one inner cross-validations were classified in the outer loop. Of note, age, gender, and maximal lesion diameter were also included in the feature selection as clinical variables besides the texture features.

Machine Learning-based Classifications

WEKA toolkit was used for ML-based classifications (24). The five base ML algorithms used were as follows: k-nearest neighbors, naive Bayes, random forest, support vector machine, and artificial neural network (27). In addition, these algorithms were also used in an ensemble learning technique called voting with three strategies (majority voting, average probability, and maximum probability) (28).

Considering the potential bias of the internal validation techniques, the performance evaluation was performed both in the training data as validation and in the unseen data as testing (29). The performance of the algorithms was mainly evaluated using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Moreover, the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, F-measure, and Matthews correlation coefficient were also determined for further evaluation. For sensitivity and specificity, the weighted averages were also calculated.

Reference Standards for Classifications

The reference standards for the classifications were based on the official histopathological reports. Primary malignancies, secondary malignancies, and systemic malignancies were grouped as malignant lesions (30). Other lesions were grouped as benign lesions (30).

Conventional Statistical Analysis of Baseline Characteristics

Based on the value distribution, the parametric or non-parametric statistical tests were used to compare age and maximum lesion diameter between training and testing data sets. The chi-square test was used to compare the proportions of the gender. A p-value of less than 0.05 indicated statistical significance.


Baseline Characteristics

A total of 58 patients met our eligibility criteria. Of them, 41 and 17 patients were randomly assigned to the training and test datasets, respectively. The following class distributions were in almost perfect balance using stratified sampling: 28 benign vs 30 malignant for the whole data, 20 benign vs 21 malignant for the training data, and 8 benign vs 9 malignant for the test data. There was no statistically significant difference in age (p=0.191), gender (p=0.488), and maximum lesion diameter (p=0.447) between the training and unseen test data sets. The baseline characteristics of the patients and their lesions are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Dimension Reduction

Inter-observer reproducibility was good or excellent in 464 of 744 texture features (ICC: ≥0.75). Additionally, the inter-observer agreement for the maximum lesion diameter was excellent (ICC: 0.905). All the reproducible texture features (ICC: ≥0.75) and clinical variables (age, gender, and maximum lesion diameter) were contained in the following feature selection process based on an algorithm.

In total, 15 texture features and 1 clinical variable were selected (Figure 4). Using the classifier-specific feature selection algorithm for each ML classifier to perform optimization, selected feature subsets were substantially different across the models created. Selected feature subsets are presented in Table 2. The selected feature numbers for each classifier ranged from 2 to 6. Considering all selected features, there was a predominance of the features extracted from the wavelet-transformed images. Based on feature classes, first-order and gray-level co-occurrence matrix features outnumbered the others. The only clinical variable selected by the algorithms was the maximum lesion diameter, which was included in the feature subset of k-nearest neighbors (Figure 5).

Figure 4
Table 2
Figure 5

Machine Learning-based Training and Nested Cross-validation

Considering the five base ML classifiers, the AUC and accuracy metrics ranged from 0.724 to 0.774 and from 73.2% to 78.1%, respectively. The best performance was achieved by the k-nearest neighbors, with a weighted average sensitivity and specificity of 78% and 78.1%, respectively. Regarding the three voting strategies, the AUC and accuracy metrics ranged from 0.712 to 0.757 and from 75.6% to 82.9%, respectively. The majority voting achieved the best performance, with a weighted average sensitivity and specificity of 75.6% and 75.8%, respectively. Nested cross-validation performance metrics of the ML algorithms on the training data set are presented in Table 3.

Table 3

Machine Learning-based Unseen Testing

Considering the five base ML classifiers, the AUC and accuracy metrics ranged from 0.715 to 0.861 and from 70.6% to 82.4%, respectively. The k-nearest neighbors achieved the best performance, with a weighted average sensitivity and specificity of 82.4% and 81.5%, respectively. Regarding the three voting strategies, the AUC and accuracy ranges were 0.708 to 0.806 and 70.6% to 76.5%, respectively. Voting strategy based on maximum probability achieved the best performance, with a weighted average sensitivity and specificity of 75.6% and 75.8%, respectively. Performance metrics of the ML algorithms on the testing data set are presented in Table 4.

Table 4


Study Overview

We assessed the future predictive value of the ML-based CT texture analysis to distinguish benign and malignant behaviors of lytic bone lesions that need a biopsy procedure in clinical practice. We created models using five base ML classifiers and three different voting strategies. The predictive performance of the models was evaluated using two approaches: 1) training along with a nested cross-validation approach and 2) testing on an unseen data set (or a random holdout). For each base classifier and voting strategy, a different feature subset was selected. The k-nearest neighbors achieved the best predictive performance. Using this base ML algorithm, more than 80% of the patients were sorted rightly. The voting strategy yielded no improvement in the predictive performance.

Practical Implications

Differential diagnosis of benign lytic bone lesions usually includes fibrous dysplasia, eosinophilic granuloma, enchondroma, giant cell tumor, non-ossifying fibroma, osteoblastoma, aneurysmal bone cyst, solitary bone cyst, chondroblastoma, brown tumor, and infection-related pathologies (30). On the other hand, the differential diagnosis for the malignant lytic lesion category is a little shorter and mainly includes metastasis, myeloma, rare osteosarcoma, and chondrosarcoma (30). Also, Ewing’s sarcoma and leukemia should be considered in the pediatric age group. Conventionally, differentiation of these lesions is made by age, lesion localization, and qualitative imaging features such as periosteal reaction, cortical destruction, lesion margins, matrix pattern, and transition zone (30). However, these features may overlap between benign and malignant lesions, leading to diagnostic confusion (30). Some conditions called tumor mimickers may even make the diagnosis much more challenging (31). While evaluating such conditions, unnecessary diagnostic work-up, including invasive procedures, might be related to patient morbidity, discomfort, and high economic cost. Therefore, differentiating benign lesions from malignant ones by non-invasive methods is necessary.

It may seem that the technique proposed might have low clinical applicability since the biopsy would be performed on all such lesions. In other words, even if the clinicians were about 80% sure that a lesion was benign; one would still likely perform a biopsy. However, this investigation should be considered a preliminary work, with its many obvious limitations. We think there is more room for improvement of this technique to make it more useful in clinical practice.

Previous Works

Most of the radiomic studies about lytic bone lesions evaluated the performance of computer-aided or automatic lesion detection systems, with a particular focus on spinal bone lesions (32-36). Meanwhile, other papers worked on lesion classification problems using texture analysis. Larhmam et al. (37) worked on spinal metastasis classification using conventional MRI images and achieved an accuracy of 90.1%. Reischauer et al. (38) published a prospective study in patients with prostate cancer along with bone metastasis by investigating the potential value of texture features extracted from apparent diffusion coefficient maps in treatment response assessment (38). Acar et al. (39) worked on ML-based CT texture analysis to distinguish metastatic and completely responded sclerotic bone lesions in patients with prostate cancer (39). In our study, rather than lesion detection, we focused on the lesion classification with a different perspective, i.e., distinguishing benign and malignant lesions that need a biopsy in clinical practice. Furthermore, we included spinal lesions and ones from different locations.

Study Limitations

There are a few limitations to the generalizability of our results. First, the main limitations were the retrospective nature of the study and the relatively small number of patients. Second, lesions from different locations were included in this work. It would be worth looking at specific locations such as the spine or pelvic bones. Nonetheless, the major constraint for this was the limited number of patients considering major locations. Third, we only used unenhanced CT with a rather heterogeneous protocol in this preliminary work. The imaging protocol heterogeneity was due to the usage of different scanners, which may represent the clinical practice and improve the generalizability of the findings. The patients’ other imaging studies, such as PET-CT and MRI, were also heterogeneous, and some had been performed in different centers. Because of these, we were unable to use other techniques for texture analysis. On the other hand, other imaging methods including MRI and PET-CT/MRI should be evaluated in future works. Fourth, we used a single-slice two-dimensional manual segmentation. Although a few slice-based or three-dimensional volumetric segmentation would be much more illustrative for the lesion texture, it is too difficult to use in clinical practice unless it is performed with automated methods. The major problem of the two-dimensional texture analysis in such large lesions is the slice selection bias, which was considered in this work (16,17). Fifth, although we performed separate testing on the unseen data set or a holdout data set, there was no external data set. On the other hand, we plan to perform independent external validation when appropriate data are available. Sixth, we only conducted quantitative analysis on the lesions that we performed a biopsy procedure. Because some of the patients were referred to our hospital for the biopsy procedure, not all the imaging data were available to conduct a proper qualitative analysis for comparison.


This preliminary work suggests that the ML-based CT texture analysis may be a promising non-invasive technique to distinguish benign and malignant behaviors of lytic bone lesions that need a biopsy. By improving the above mentioned limitations of this work, future research may have the potential to increase the predictive performance of this method. We hope this comprehensive work will provide a base for future research.

Ethics Committee Approval: The approval form the University of Health Sciences Turkey, İstanbul Training and Research Hospital Local Ethics Committee was obtained (approval number: 1965, date: 29.08.2019).

Informed Consent: All study procedures, including waiver of informed consent for medical records review, were approved by our institutional review board.

Peer-review: Externally and internally peer-reviewed.

Authorship Contributions: Surgical and Medical Practices- İ.N.M., Ö.K.;Concept - İ.N.M., B.K., Ö.K.; Design - B.K., E.A.K., M.B.U.; Data Collection or Processing - İ.N.M., B.K., E.A.K., M.B.U.; Analysis or Interpretation
B.K., Ö.K.; Literature Search - İ.N.M., B.K., E.A.K., M.B.U.; Writing - İ.N.M., B.K.

Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.

Financial Disclosure: The authors declared that this study received no financial support.


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