Case 1:
This, 66-year-old, male presented with weakness on right side and deviation in eyes. There was hypertension in his medical history, alcohol intake twice a week in his habits. In his neurologic examination; he was conscious, anarthric, pupils were anisocoric, left pupil was midriatic, pupillary light reflex was weak, left eyelid was ptotic and there was gaze palsy inside, downward, upward in left eye. Velum farengeum reflex was absent. We obtained right hemiparesis 3/5 above, 2/5 below. The patient was hospitalized with the diagnosis of brainstem ischemia. In cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ischemia in mesencephalon was determined (Picture 1).
Case 2:
This, 50-year-old, female, presented with abrupt right side weakness and speech disorder, In her medical history there were diabetes mellitus and hypertension. In neurologic examination; she was conscious, she had motor aphasia, total 3 rd nerve palsy in left, right hemiparesis 3/5 above, 3/5 below. She was hospitalized with the diagnosis of brainstem ischemia. In cranial magnetic resonance imaging, there were ischemic lesions in cortex and mesencephalon that support the clinical signs (picture 2). As a result, we tried to examine the clinical and radiological signs of two cases with Weber syndrome.