The study of preop and postoperative findings and complication after phacoemulsifıcation surgery in patients with posterior polar cataracts.
Materials and Metods:
42 eyes of 32 patients who had posterior polar cataracts and been performed cataract surgery with phacoemulsification and IOL ımplantation beMeen the month march 2003 and march 2006.18 ofpatıents was man, 14 ofpatients was women and mean of age was 42±1 4.4 years preoperatuar and postoperative corrected visual acuitis. Periopertive and postoperative complications of all causes was examined.
All causes had hydrodelineation intraoperativle. 2 cases had developed posterior capsul rupture. 7 cases(% 16) had anterior vitrektomi and all of cases had IOL implantation to the capsul the post operative corrected visial accuites of 39 patients (%92) in creased. The cause of low acuıty was ambliyopy.
Satisfactory results can be achieved with appropriate surgicar tecnic in patients wıth posterior polar cataracts.