The efficacy of Interferon-a in combination with UDCA versus IFN-a alone in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C
Original Article
P: 8 - 18
September 1998

The efficacy of Interferon-a in combination with UDCA versus IFN-a alone in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C

Istanbul Med J 1998;2(3):8-18
1. SSK İstanbul Eğitim Hastanesi I. Dahiliye KIiniği
2. SSK İstanbul Eğitim Hastanesi, İç Hastalıkları Klinigi
3. İstanbul Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available


7b compare in a randomized trial, the efficacy of Interferon -alfa (IFN- a) in combination w ith UDCA versus IFN-a alone in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C. We examined 40 patients with chronic hepatitis B and C. Ten patients with normal AST and ALT level were excluded. 'llventy-six patients w ith clinically, biochemically and liver biopsy proven by diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B and C were included. HbsAg, antiHBc-total, HBV DNA PCR positive chronic hepatitis B patients with AST and ALT levels persistently greater than normallevels were randomized to receive either IFN-a (6 mil. U/three timesweek for six months) plus UDCA (1 O mg 1 kg 1 day for six months) (8 men and 6 women totally 13 patients, age ranges 38.48 + 16.47) on IFN-a (6 mil./three times/week for 6 months) alone (6 men and 7 women totally 13 patients, age ranges 35.07+8.67). During the therapy disease activity was monitered by AST, ALT, LDH, ALP, GGT measurement for six months and additonal proteins, bilirubins, total blood counts (TBC) were reperated for each of two months. The estimated parometers included AST, ALT, LDH, ALP, GGT; proteins, bilirubins and TBC statiscally evaluation was performed with studentt test. Although there was a significant reduction in levels ofplasma AST in both groups (p<0.05), ALT and LDH levels were only reduced in monotherapy group (p<0.05). Plasma ALP levels were reduced in patients with IFNa + UDCA when compared to patients with monotherapy (p<0.05). Other parametres weren't statiscally significant. The results of this study show that the addition of UDCA to IFN-a significantly reduces only ALP levels than monotherapy.

Chronic Hepatitis B, Chronic Hepatitis C, lnterferon-a, Ursodeoxycholic Acid