We have retro!ipectively corrıpared the effeçts of ~JtreptoMnase and streptokinase-t-(LSpirin on the mortality rates of hosp#alized patientli with acute myocardial infaretion who have referred to our Coronary Unit Care Unit between 199-1993, withen 6 hours from the ons(}t of symptoms. 128 patients received streptokinase, white 83 patients were given streptokinase+aspirin. The mortality rates for the hospitalized patients in the streptokinase group and the streptokilıase+aspirin group were 6.3% and 3.6% respeçtivety; however there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (p>0,05). Still, patients in the streptokina11e+aspirin group exhibited a 43 % of decrease in the mortality rates.
Acute Myocardial lnfarction, Streptokina~:~e, Aspirin, Mortality