Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson disease) is a chronic, well prognosed, relapsing disease characterized by sterile vesiculopustules affecting primarily trunk and flexural surfaces. Lesions are not seen on the {ace and mucosa. In the histopathology o{the lesions subcorneal pustule formation containing neutrophils is seen. It is seen more frequently after the middle ages and in the women. It s etiologic cause is still not known completely but triggerring role of infections, immunologic mechanisms, IgA and IgG gammapathies, and coincidence with some autoimmune mechanisms were reported for the etiopathogenesis. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis was diagnosed clinically and histopathologically for the 48 year old man having pustular lesions settled on his trunk for 6 years. Also, severe iron deficiency anemia and IgA elevation without gammapathy was detected in our patient. A good response is obtamed with lOOmg / day dapsone therapy and presently the patient is being followed up without lesion.