Recurrent Stroke a Prospective Study of 51 Patient
Original Article
P: 16 - 19
December 2006

Recurrent Stroke a Prospective Study of 51 Patient

Istanbul Med J 2006;7(4):16-19
1. exİ. Şevki Atasagun Nevşehir Devlet Hastanesı, Nevşehir
2. Sb İstanbul Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi
3. SSK İstanbul Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği
4. İstanbul Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Nöroloji Kliniği,Şefi
No information available.
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We have aimed at evaluation of the subtypes of initial and recurrellf stroke, risk factors and the prognosis prospectively in stroke cases ın this study.

Material and Method:

In the cases of 51 recurrent stroke hospitalized in our clinic, standart neurological and systemic examination, routm labratory, tests, Computerized Tomograpy (CT) and / or Magnetic Rezonance Imagmg MRI) w ere employed Chi-Square test is used for statistical analyse.


34% of the cases were male, 17% ofthem women. Recurrent second attack in the 90.2 % of the cases, in the 5.9 % of them a third attact, and ın the 3.9% of them the fourth attactwere determined. Recurrent iscemic attact in the 58.06% of the cases (60.78 %), in the 41.93 % of the m recurrent hemorrhagic attack was seen. Recurrent hemorrhagic attack was preseni in 90 % of the cases with hemorrhagic stroke (39.21 %). and ın the 10% ofthese case mentioned above recurrent ischemic attack exsisted. Isclıemic / Hemorrhagic was calculated (odds ratw [OR]= 12.46, 95% CI (2.45-63.3) p<0.001 ). Hyperension was the most frequently etermined risk factory in the se cases 84.3 %. The time of recurrent strokes was awerage 35.96 months. The span of time of them clıanged between 2 and 145 months. It has been seen that 13.7 % of our patients has di ed in the period in which they have stayed at the hospital.


In thıs study. We have found that hemorrhage was seen more frequently than ıschemi in the recurrent stroke and hyperension was the first one among the risk factors. The cause of thef act that the rate of death was less than in the other studies may be shorter hospitalization period of our patients.

Recurrent stroke, cerebra/ ınfarct, hypertension, intracerebral hemorrlzage