Reconstuction of a vulva carsinoma with a bilateral femoral transposition flap
Original Article
P: 48-50
September 1995

Reconstuction of a vulva carsinoma with a bilateral femoral transposition flap

İstanbul Med J 1995;1(3):48-50
1. SSK İstanbul Hastanesi 2. Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniğı
2. Vakıf Guraba Hastane sı ve Plastik ve Rekonstrıktıf Cerrahi Kliniği
3. 1. Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Klinığı
No information available.
No information available


A case report of a 78 year- old diabetic patıent who applied to our clınıc wıth an ulcerovegetan mass whıch was at her bilaterallabiums, perine and disseminated from introitus line of vagin, uretral circle to clıtorıs. The patient was evaluated as stage III (T3N2Mo) epidermoid carcinom and a radical vulvectomy was performed. Because of her old age and diabetic regulation problems, the case had o poor improvement risk, therefore from m ternal paris of the fe moral region a transpositıon flap prepared for her reconstruction and in this way tension risk tried to be mininıızed. After 6 months the patient was healty and recurrens or metastasis were not seen.