Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy (PDT) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is becoming a popular technique which is frequency used in last years. The prominent advantages of PDT are performed aı the ICU bedside by anesthesiologist and PDT has lower fixed costs than surgical tracheostomy.
In this study, a prospective series of 116 patients undergoing PDT from May 2005 to January 2007 and we compare them with litterateur about the indications for tracheostomy, timing of tracheostomy, overal procedure time, costs of tracheostomy, complications, mortality rate, ICU stay.
In conclusion; Because of PDT is more useful technique than surgical tracheostomy, it became frequently used technique in ICU. However this technique is more easy and has more advantages, it has same seriously complications like surgical tracheostomy too.
With enough clinical experience and good surgical arrangement, these complications could be solved.