In our study, we evaluated 80 pleomorphic adenoma patients treated with surgical resection according to site of origin, complications, surgical technique and treatment results. In diagnosis, We used history, physical examination, ultrasonography, computerized tomography and magnetic rezonans imaging. Pleomorphic adenomas in our patients were 65 of them (%81.25) in parotid gland, 9 of them(%11.25) in submandibular gland, 4 of them(%5) in palate and 2 of them(%2.5) in buccal region. Pleomorphic adenomas in parotid gland were treated with superficial parotidectomy, enucleation and total parotidectomy. Our 9 patients who have pleomorphic adenoma in submandibular gland were treated with total glandectomy. The tumors in palate and buccal region were totaly excised with their pseudo capsules. We didn’t use postop. radiothearpy in the traetment. 2 patients who were treated with enucleation had recurrence. They were treated with superficial parotidectomy. As a result, for complete eradication of parotid gland pleomorphic adenomas superficial or total parotidectomy(according to site of origin) are the best treatment methods.