Our 25 gauge pars plane approach results for the developing dense posterior capsule opasifications after the cataract surgery
Original Article
P: 133 - 136
September 2009

Our 25 gauge pars plane approach results for the developing dense posterior capsule opasifications after the cataract surgery

Istanbul Med J 2009;10(3):133-136
No information available.
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To evaluate the results and cleaning of posterior capsule with Nd:YAG laser which is combined and/or approached directly by 25 G transconjunctival route thorough pars plana for developing phenomenon of dense posterior capsule opasifications after the cataract and/or vitreoretinal surgery.

Materials and methods:

Cleaning of posterior capsule was attended to the training which was applied to 10 eyes of 10 patients with transconjunctival approach from 25 gauge pars plana because of dense posterior capsule opasifications. The mean follow up time was determined as 8 months and the mean age was determined as 44. Because of dense opasifications the patients that fundus cannot be examined with ophthalmoscopy, preoperative B mode ultrasoundography was applied. At least 6 months after the cataract surgery; 3 patients that were not provided posterior capsulotomy exactly with Nd:YAG laser, 3 patients that were provided exactly and/or 4 patients that cleaning of posterior capsule was applied with transconjunctival approach from 25 gauge pars plana were examined as rexrospective. Patients were entered with pair entered 25 G trochars from pars plana. Before an openness was occurred at the center of the posterior capsule, free capsule residues were cleaned with vitrectomy probe and viscoelastic was applied between posterior capsule and internal lens of the eye.


When pars plana vitrectomy was applied to one patient from 3 ones because of recurrent retina detechment which was provided posterior capsulotomy exactly with ND:YAG laser; in addition to this silicone was taken off from pars plana at the same séance in other two patients. The average of the best visual acuity was in the level of 1.9 according to Logmar. Postoperative, increasing of visual acuity of all of the patients were provided. Increasing in the internal pressure of the eyes were observed for none of the patients.


We consider that cleaning of posterior capsule can be applied succesfully with transconjunctival approach directly from pars plana 25 G or in addition to Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy at dense posterior capsule opasifications developed or pseudophakic patients with silicone.

Pars plana capsulectomy, Posterior capsular opacification, Nd:YAG Laser capsulotomy