Our 20 Years Experiencesin Uterine Corpus Cancers
Original Article
P: 1 - 6
December 2005

Our 20 Years Experiencesin Uterine Corpus Cancers

Istanbul Med J 2005;6(4):1-6
1. SB Istanbul Eğ. Hastanesi, 2. Kadın H ası. ve Doğ. Kliniği, Asis. Dr
2. SSK İstanbul Eğitim Hastanesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği Asistanı
3. SSK İstanbul Eğitim Hastanesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği Uzmanı
4. SSK İstanbul Eğitim Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği ve Patoloji Bölümü, İstanbul, Türkiye
5. SSK İzmir Karşıyaka Dispanseri Uzmanı
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We were always careful to diagnose the genital cancers of women in the early stages and we tried to do our best in the diagnosis,treatment and follow-up period by the opportunitıes that we have.With this study we are reporting our 20 years experience in endometrial carcinomas.

Material and Method:

113 cases with the diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma who have applied andfollowed-up at the SSK İstanbul Education Hospital,Second Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic,between January 1985-January 2005,are evaluated retrospectively.


The average age of the patients werefound as 57.50 patients were between 50-59 and 37 patients were between 60-69 years old.Radical hysterectomy was performed in 64 patients,total abdominal hysterectomy in 48 patients,vaginal hysterectomy in 1 patient.The hystologic diagnosıs was;endometrioid adenocarcinoma in 82 patients,serous papiller carcinoma in 20 patients,clear cell carcinoma in 3 patients,squamous cell carcinoma in 2 patients,musinous carcinoma in 2 patients, indiffereni carcinoma in 1 patient.mixt type in 1 patient and extragenital metastasis from anather part of body in 1 patient.9 patients were diagnosed as Stage-la G1,2 as Stage-la G2,1 as Stage-la G3,19 as Stagelb G1,9 as Stage-lb G2,4 as Stage-lb G3,5 as Stage-le G1,2 as Stage-le G2 and 2 as Stage-lc G3.Adjuvant radiotherapy was given to 55 patı­ ents,chemotherapy to 4, radiotherapy+chemotherapy to 3 patients.Preop radiotherapy was given to 5 patients.5 year survival was;%66 ın Stage -I, %58 in Stage-ll, %32 in Stage-Ill and %9 in Stage-IV.


The increase in the frequency of cancer of the uterine corpus in the [ası years, which is the most seen neoplasm of woman pelvis and also fourth most frequent cancer in women today,is making this malign neoplasm an important factor in the follow-up of the woman patient.By this stııdy we also tried to take attention to cancer of uterine corpus once more.
