Generally, cephaperazone is an effective class of antibiotic that can be used safely at any level of renal function deterioration. The most serious side effect with these antibiotics is bleeding disorders. Our patient was a 73 year-old man with acute kidney injury and renal biopsy was performed for the etiology. Because of urinary tract infection he was using cephaperazone/sulbactam. Before the biopsy procedure, coagulation parameters-platelet count and prothrombin time / international normalized ratio (INR)- were all checked as normal. Seven days after the biopsy, the hemoglobin level of the patient started to decline. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed and retroperitoneal bleeding was detected. INR was 5,8 when coagulation parameters were checked, We did not find any reason for a coagulation parameter change other than cephaperazone usage. With this case report, coagulation problems and serious bleeding disorders must be kept in mind with cephaperazone usage.