Minimally invasive surgical technigues have been used in the field of urology for many years and have now been extended fallawing the recent advances in laparoscopic surgery. Between October 1995- May 1996 22 patients underwent laparoscopic vacocelectomy. 6 of variceceles were bilateral with median age of26,5 years (range 15-35). 26% of the cases had grade I and 60% had grade II varicocele while 24% had grade II. Semptomatic pain was the main complain in 11 patients. Median operation time of unilateral and bilaterallaparoscopic surgery were 45 minutes (20-120 minutes) and 60 minutes (45-90 minutes) respectively. No serious complication were seen during or after the surgery. The only complication was the slıght and transient abdominal distantion and vomiting due to incomplete of abdome n before exertion of the trocars that was seen only one patient. The median duration of analgesic need was 14,4 hours (6-24 hours). All patient able to return preoperative activity including stenous work and heavy lifting at the postoperative third day controls. There was sligtly testiculer pain in 2, inguinal pain in 1 and tenderness at the trocar sites in 1 patient at the seventht postoperative day. We believe that, laparoscopic treatment with the advantage of earlier retum to normal and stenous physical activity, is stili a good for especially heavy workers and bilateral cases.