In our study we searched the frequency of H.pylori in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy.
Patients and Method:
We chose 30 diabetic and autonmic neuropathic patients.The ages of patients were between 30 and 65 and their diabetic ages were between 3 and 17.The control group was consisted of nondiabetic 20 patients with dyspepsia.All patients were perfomed endoscopical investigation for H.pylori Two or more biopsy from gastric antrum were takenfor CLO test and histological study (H.Essin) ın diagrosis of autonomc neuropathy we performed 4 cardiovascular tests In statistical evaluation, qui square (X2) test was used.
In our study, acording to CLO test we found 25 patients (83.3 %) H.pylori positive in diabetic groupand according to histologic evaluation we fomd 26 patients (86.7 %) H.pylori positive.In controlgroup acordin to CLO test H.Plyori positivity was in 13 patients (65 %) and acordin to histologic evaluation it was in 12 patients (60 %)
In this study, diabetic gastroparesis which is due to autonomic neuropathy has increasive effect on H.pylori frequency but it has not been found statistically difference comparing the non diabetic population (p > 0,05)