In this study 50 respiratory allergic patients were evaluated. Prick tests were performed by using altergen extracts of Allergo Pharma, spesifıc !gE values in serum were measured with Biochem-Italia ALLERgen kits and stool specimens were examined for parasite. The highest sensitivities were for house dust mites (%70- 72) and cockroach antigens (%44). Total !gE values were high in BO% of patients. Spesifıc IgE were high for D. Pteronyssinus, D Farinea, molds and polens: %52, %48, %2, %2 respectively. Significant coretatian was found for prick tests and spesifıc !gE valuesfor mites; whereas there was not any coreZatian for other antigens. Only one (%2) stool specimen were positive for parasite. In summary we conclude that prick test is the most valuable test for allergy diagnosis, spesific !gE may be asked under special conditions and parasites are found in small group of these patients.