In radıodiagnostic Clinic of İstanbul Training Hospital,between August and December of 2000, 25 case of liver cirrohis and control group which is composed of patients sent by the elinidans for non-liver caııses , had color Doppler ultrasonography exanıination.
In control group, no collateral vascularısation and portal thronıbosis was detected. In this group, during inspiration , portal vein dianıeter increased. Collateral vascularisation was detected in 24% of case group and, no increase in diameter of porral vein during inspiration in 48%. The directian of blood flow was hepatopedal all in the control group, but in case group 21% had hepatofugalflow.
Findings like increase in porta/ vein diameter (>12.5 mm), low porral veinve/ocity (<15 cm/see), high congestion index (>0.1 cm/sec) have high specifıty for portal hypertension (%100). Specifıcity valuesfor thatfindmgs are %70, 80% and 65%.
Color Doppler ultrasonography ıs very efficient, easily applicable, non-ini'Osive and cheap method in diagnosis and follow up of portal hypertension.