277 blood cultures had been sent to our laboratory betwen ;anuary and December 1993. Specimens were cultured ın solid-liquid dıphasic Castenedu medium, incubated at 37 degree cantigretad and watchad for 28 days. In 41 specimens (14,8'k) growth was detected; the results of 28 (lO'k! were sıngificant, white growth was consıdered as contamination in 13 (4,6 '7r ). Grovıng microorganisms, in decreasing frequency, were; coagulase negatıve staplylococcı, staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, alpha hemolytic streptococci, Brucella sp, Ecoli, Enterabaeter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candiaalbicans, Antıbiotic sensitivities of isoZated bacteria were perpormed with disk-dıffusion method. All staphylococcı, were sensıtive to vancomycin and all Gram negative rod to imipenem. Methıcillin resistance was found to be 33,3 'k among staphylococci aureus 42,8 'k among coalgulase negative stapyloccocci.