To evaluate sub- Tenon' s anaesthesia as an altemative to peribulbar anaesthesia
89 consecutive patients listedfor various eye operations (induding cataract surgery) under peribulbaranaesthesia were operated onunder sub-Tenon's anaesthesia instead. After topical anaesthesia a buttonhole was fashioned through the conjunctiva and Tenon's capsule 10 mm posterior to the limbus. 1.5 ml of jetocaine 2% was then delivered to the posterior sub- Tenon's space using ablunt cannula. The surgical procedure was performed immediately after the completion of the anaesthetic procedure. Chemosis, conjunctival haemorrhage, degree of akinesia, and pain scoring were analysed.
There were no anaesthesia related complications. The administration of the black was painlessfor 97% of the patients.1n all, 92% reported no pain during surgery. There was no akinesia when assessed just after the completion of the black and akinesia was limited when assessed after surgery. Chemosis and conjunctival haemorrhage were frequent but caused no intraoperative problems.
Subtenon's anaesthesia is an efficient and safe anaesthetic technique. it isa good altemative to peribulbar anaesthesia.