A 58 year old woman wasfollow up wıtlı recurring erythema nodosum lesions on tower extremities sınce two years. Derınatologıc examinatı on was reveu/ed mu/tıp/e erythematous or purplısh, solid, dome shape 2-3 cm dıameters nodules besides erythema nodosum. Livid nodules were localized on arms, conjımctiva, forehead, abdomen. umbilical area and tower extremitiesfor six moths. Posteroanterior che st X-ray and tlıorax CT was slıowed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and was interpreted as sarcoidosis. In bıopsy specimen from nodules demonstrated non-necrotisign granulomas, formed by epitheloıd histiocytes wıth eosinophilic cytoplasm on who le dermis layer under the epidermis. The e was no findign for panniculitıs. Sarcoidosis isa clıronic relapsing-remitting granulomatous disease involving skin and other organs. it is called as Lofgren syndrome afomı of acut sarcoidosis if fever. polyarthralgıa, uveitis and bilaterallıilar lymplıadenopathy were found togetlıer.