To evaluate postoperative elinical results of patients with posterior capsule tear developed during phacoemulcifıcation surgery.
Material and Methods:
Study was done between April 2002 and March 2006 in İstanbul Education and Resean·h Hospital. Clinical results of 75 eyes of 75 patients (mean age: 62.3±2.2) who had posterior capsular tear or ::.onular dıalysis during plıacoemulsifıcatıon surgery for cataract. Meanfo/low up was 10± 1.6 months. Best corrected vısual acuity (BCV A) and postoperatıve complications were evaluated.
Posterior capsule tear and zamdar dialysis wa; complicated in 54 (%72) and 21 (%28) patients re;pectively. Anterior vıtrectomy was performed in 39 (54%) eyes. Primary intraocular lens (İOL) implantation was performed in 70 eyes. Secondary İOL inıplantation was performed in 4 eyes. Capsule tensıon ring was implanted to 16 eyes (80%) witlı zonular dialysıs. Anterior chanıber reactıon was seenin 1 eye in the early postoperatıve period. Retinat detaclınıent was developedin 3 eyes. Best corrected visual acuıty was increased in 67 cases (89%).
With appropriate surgıcal approaciı and anterior vitrectomy in patients witlı posterior capsule tear, visual prognosis can be reasonable. Since the postoperative comp/ications may decrease the visual acuity, a long and metıculousfollow-up periodısa must.