Carotid artery dissection is an important risk factor for people under fourty years old. Spontaneous,chiropractic therapy or neck manipulation may occur oftenly. Carotid artery dissection ratio man to woman is 1.51 1. Oftenly headache, transient ischemic attack or stroke occur with oculosympathetic paresis. % 50 of patient who have carotid artery dissection alsa have homer syndrome. More of the %10 of the patient can have cranial nerve palsy.
We can use doppler ultrasonography, magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance angiography for diagnosis. Magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance angiography combination is more safler than others. Prognosis is oftenly good. İn seven-thirty days recanalization occur. For thrombus which happens because of emboli we most start anticoagulatıon. We can think carotid artery ligation, intracranial or extracranial bypass, arterial reconstruction beside therapeutic therapy.