The prevalance of HDV infectıon in a group of 476 patıents infected with HBV is studied between the years 1991-1994. Anti-HDV seroprevalance rate was in acute viral hepatitis, chronic liver disease, asymptomatıc HBV-carriers, and ın patıents on chronic hemodialysis, 11.6CJc, 26.5'7c, 1-8%, 40CJc respectively. The epidemıological features lıke age, sex ete. of the groups infected with HDV and their statistical signıfıcance was evaluated. In summary HDV ınfection is a major problem ın chronic liver dısease in Turkey and it must be emphasized that active immunization againist HBV wıll be suffıcient in order to prevent HDV infection.
Anti-HDV, Seroprevalence, Hepatit B Virüs