Original Article

Retrospective Review of Patients Who Underwent Radical Prostatectomy in Urology Clinic in İstanbul Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic


  • Sevil YAZAR
  • Hakan AGAR

Received Date: 22.03.2012 Accepted Date: 26.06.2012 İstanbul Med J 2012;13(4):191-194


This study was conducted retrospectively among patients who had radical retropelvic prostatectomy with the diagnosis of prostate cancer in the Urology Department of Istanbul Training and Research Hospital (ITRH).


We aimed to compare the preoperative signs and preoperative and postoperative complications among young and elderly patient populations. 84 patients that had Radical retropelvic Prostatectomy in Department of Urology İstanbul Education and Research Hospital between the years 2005-2010 were enrolled in this study.


Patients’ files containing information regarding anesthesia and surgery, therapy received in the intensive care unit, epicrisis, personal features, other systemic diseases, and surgical methods were included in the study. We investigated the relationship between the hospitalization period and complications. The patients’ discharge status from the hospital was classified as cure, morbidity or exitus.


We found that while the patients aged <65 years did not need intensive care, patients >65 years had some period in the intensive care unit. There was no significant correlation between the patients’ ages and the length of hospitalization. All of the patients (100%) involved in this study were discharged from the hospital as cured.

Keywords: Discharge, elderly, radical retropelvic prostatectomy, young