Case Report

Tranasitional Cell Carcinoma

  • Güler Ateser
  • Cem Leblebici
  • Aytaç Yüksel
  • A. Birtan Boran

İstanbul Med J 2006;7(2):43-47

A 60 years old patient, showıng a pelvic mass ( 17x12x11 ın diameter ), ascites anda suspicious metastatic lung lesion (9 mm in diameter) during ultrasound examination and multınodular metastasis (5 mm in diameter) detected by thorax CT; considered as st age 4 ovarian carcinoma, undergone TAH+BSO, total omentectomy and appendectomy. Histopathologıc exammation revealed an ovarian mixt type carcinoma (transitional eel/ carcinoma + serous adeno carcinoma grade3). Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for EMA. CK7, CD99 and negatıve for CK20. Postoperatively. a chemotherapy regime consisted ofTaxol (paclitaxel) 200mgr. Carboplatin 100 mgr, Hcantin (topotecan HCL 3,5 mgr /m2). Etoposide 50 mg/m2 , administered repeatedly to the patient. Patient ıs showing well in her post operatıve 42nd week.

TCC of the ovary isa subtype ofovarian carcinoma recognised in1985 and put in WHO's classification in1999. TCC of the ovary shows agressive behavior and diagnosed in advanced stages, considering Brenner tumorso However TCC's have a beter prognosis due to the ir beter chemosensitivity.

Keywords: Transitioonal cell carcınoma