Original Article

The Prevalance of Pseudoexfoflation Syndrome in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

  • Demet Nilgün Özçelik
  • Kadir Eltutar
  • Abdullah Yüksel

İstanbul Med J 2006;7(3):5-11


To evaluate the prevalarıee of pseudoexfoliation in patıents wıth coronary artery disease and to compare it with the normal population.

Materials and Methods:

A total number of 60 patients with corenary artery disease, in the 40 - 70 age group and who were hospitalized m coronary intensive care unit was compared with the normal population in the same age group who had no other illnesses apanfrom refractive error. To assess pseudoe:tfoliation in the se patients refractıve measurements, antericr segment exanıinatıon, intraocular presstire measurements with Goldmann App/anation tonometry , gonioscopy and fundus examination ıvas performed.


After examination with biomicroscopy, pseudoexfoliation was found in 8 patients with eeronary artery disease. Intmoctilar pressure was 21 mmHg or higher in5 of these patients. Three ofthe patients had normal intraocular pressure. Atherosclerotic fundus findings were assessed in theır fımdus examination.ln the control group only I patient had pseudoexfoliation and his introocular pressure was within the normal range.


In eonlusion of this study, the prevalance ofpseudoexfolıation in patients in the 40-70 age group who had coronary artery disease was signifieantly higher thannormal population in the same age group. (p < 0.05) Routine Ophthalmologic examinatıon of patients with coronary artery disease is intportant in prevention ofpseudoexfoliative glaucoma induced visual lass.

Keywords: Psödoexfoliation Syndrome, Coronary Artery Disease, Glaueoma, Intraocular Pressure