Case Report

Synchronous Partial Intestinal Malrotation and Duodenojejunal Junction Adenocarcinoma: An Unusual Clinical Presentation


  • Metin Yalaza
  • Mehmet Tolga Kafadar
  • Ahmet Türkan
  • Aydın İnan

Received Date: 24.11.2016 Accepted Date: 07.02.2017 İstanbul Med J 2017;18(2):91-93

Intestinal malrotation is the result of an abnormal physiological herniation of the midgut during embryo development. Since there exists a number of different malrotation types, the diagnosis of this condition is challenging. Concurrent intestinal malrotation and duodenojejunal junction cancer is extremely rare. Here we present the case of a 71-year-old patient who underwent segmental resection for duodenojejunal junction adenocarcinoma that concurrently presented with small bowel malrotation.

Keywords: Duedonojejunal junction, intestinal malrotation, adenocarcinoma