Case Report

Eyelid Burns Caused By Infrared Heater


  • Erkan Ünsal
  • Fatma Esin Özdemir
  • Fadime Nuhoğlu
  • Kadir Eltutar

Received Date: 23.02.2012 Accepted Date: 13.08.2012 İstanbul Med J 2013;14(1):66-68

Infrared rays have been used in many areas in recent years. Today, many devices working with infrared technology, used in outdoor and indoor spaces for the purpose of heating, have been developed. 1.5-5.6-micron wavelength radiation are emitted by these devices. In this study, a case of periocular burn caused by leaning against a infrared heater for a long time is evaluated. Our case was a 31 years old female patient. On physical examination, periocular edema and hyperemia ,especially in the bilateral eyelids, was noticed. There was tenderness to touch and pain. Bilateral vision was 10/10. On slit lamp examination, at the range of the eyelid region some punctuate epitheliopathy have been found in the interpalpebral region. The posterior segment was normal. Based on these findings, our case was evaluated as a first degree skin burn. In this study, it was aimed to emphasize that infrared heaters which are commonly used for heating today can cause ocular burns and this should be considered in the differential diagnoses.

Keywords: Infrared heater, eyelid, burn