Original Article

Atipical papillomatosis

  • Zuhal Gücin
  • Nevra Dursun
  • Tuğçe Çay
  • Melin Özgün Geçer

İstanbul Med J 2004;5(4):32-35

Papillomatosis is a precancerous breast lesion. In contrast to carcinomas papillomatosis occurs during the second decade. It is considered as atypical papillomatosis when the apillary stuructues are complex and there is nuclear stratifications and atypical changes. A 38 year old woman came to the surgery clinic with a breast mass and excisional biopsy was made. In gross examination its dimension was 7x7x3 cm and a greyishwhite lobuler mass. In hematoxilen eosin sections papillomas were seen with prominent epithelial proliferations within multiple ductal structures. In some areas papilary structures was surrounded by spindle cells. This areas contained myoepithelial cell layer except scarse areas. This lesion was diognased as atipical papillomatosis. We think the case is presentable, because atypical papillomatosis can confused with intraductal micropapillary carsinoma and is a precoursour lesion of breast carcinoma.

Keywords: papilamatosis,breast, atypical