Original Article

A rare of cause acut abdomen: splenic infaretion

  • Ahmet Başkent
  • A. Kerim Özakay
  • Acar Aren

İstanbul Med J 2001;4(2):26-28

Splenic inf'arct is an unusuat antitute. Generally it anses from henıatholojic deseases, vascular and tronıboembolic disorders. In this article a 35 years old male with splenic infaretion is presented. He was admitted to the hospital whit abdonıinal pain, nausea and vomıting. Abdonıinal tendernes was found ın left upper quadrant in physical exanıınation. Splenectomy was applied. Patholojic examination revealed splenic tuberculosis (tbci and splenic inf'arct. We thınk that splenic inf'orction should not be f'orgtten and is should be put into the list of pre-diagnoses of cases wıth lefl upper quadrand abdominal pain under the predisposing factors.

Keywords: Splenic infarction, acute abdomen ,splenic tbc